History of Plane Air crashes in pakistan

  • Posted by Mian Zahoor ul Haq
  • at 6:36:00 AM -

 Pakistan National Air Line flight from Chitral to Islamabad PK-661 on Wednesday crash near Havalian. There were 48 passengers on board.All 48 passengers has been reported to be,  killed including the famous Nat khan and preacher Junaid jumshid  his wife and DCO Chitral .

 Major Plane Crashes in Pakistan History.           Com pleat list.

1-May 20, 1965
 Boeing 707 inaugural flight  Crash during attempting to land  killing 124 people at  Ciro     Air Port.

2-August 6, 1970
PIA. Fokker F-27 crash while attempting to take off from Islamabad in thunder Storm and 30 people on board killed.

3- December 8, 1972
PIA. Fokker F-27 crash in Rawalpindi near Islamabad and all  26 people on board were killed.

4-November 26, 1979
PIA Fokker 707 Haj perwaz crash shortly after take off from Jedddah Air Port,All on board 156 peoples killed .

5- October 23 , 1986
PIA Fokker  F27  crashes during landing in Peshawar .Thirteen peoples were Killed out of the54 on Board.

6- August 17,1988
  US- Made Hercules  C-130 Military Aircraft crash near Bahawalpur . General Mohammad  Zia-Ul-Haq
   Military Ruler of Pakistan and 30  others were killed including  Pakistani Generals  And US. ambassadors.

7- August 25, 1989
PIA. Fokker carrying 54 people disappeared after leaving Gilget in northern areas of Pakistan The wreckage is never found.

8-. September 28,1992
   PIA. Air Bus A-300 crash in the capital of Nepal Kathmandu and 167 people were killed.

 9- Feb. 19, 2003
Air Force Fokker F-27 crashed in fog shrouded mountains in Kohat . Air Chief Air Marshal Mushaf Ali Khan his wife and 15 others were killed.

10- Feb.24, 2003
A chartered Cessna 402-B carrying Afghan Mines and industries Minister Juma Mohammad Mohammad i  4 Afghan officials, a chines Mining Executive and two Pakistanis  Crew crashes in the Arabian Sea Near Karachi.

11- July 10,2006
PIA Fokker F-27 bound for Lahore . crash shortly after take off from Multan . 41 passengers and four crew were killed.

12- July 28, 2010
Private Air line Air Blue Air Bus -321 flying from Karachi crash near Islamabad in the hills. while preparing to land. All 152  passengers on Board were killed.

13- November. 5,2010
  Twin Engine Plane operated by Pakistani charter JS.Air carrying staff of an Italian Oil company crashed shortly after take off in Karachi.All the 21 people on board were killed.

14- November. 28,  2010
IL-76 Russian made cargo plane operated by Georgian Air Line Sun way crash after taking off from Karachi.

15- April 20,2012
Bhoja Air Bus-737 from Karachi came down in bad weather in Islamabad and 132 people on board killed.

16- May 28, 2015
Pakistan Military Helicopter crash and 8 people were killed. including Norwegian Philippine and Indonesians envoys. The wives of Malaysian Indonesians envoys.

17-December 7,2016
 PIA.  ART-42 Aircraft , flight PK-661 carrying passengers from Chitral to Islamabad crashed near Peshawar Havelian.  All 48 individuals on board has been killed ,including Mr. Junaid Jumshed the popular singer, preacher and his wife .


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